Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Count Down!

Happy New Year, Everyone! I hope you all had a splendid 2011, and I wish you all of the best for the year to come. A new year is always an excellent opportunity to reflect on our pasts, and then to look towards our futures. It is definitely important to do some self-evaluating, but just make sure not to be too hard on yourself about your mistakes--after all, your past is just practice! :) Plus, you don't want to resolve to do *too* many changes because you'll only end up disappointing yourself. 

For my resolutions this year, I thought I would do a count down style for you all to see the top 10 moments of my life from 2011 (with #1 being the best!!), and also create a top 10 list for my goals for 2012! So start your clocks! ;) haha just kidding ;) Here it goes!

Top 10 Moments from 2011
1) January 21st-- When Tyler and I started dating <3
2) February 10th-- Celebrating my 21st birthday! :D 
3) December 21st--Celebrating Christmas with Tyler! <3
4) Getting a 4.0 after Spring and Fall semester (let's cross our fingers I can do it again this semester ;) )
5) July 4th-- Caught my first fishes! (Yes, I caught multiple!!) 
6) August 19th-- Last day of my internship! 
7) Taking Step Aerobics for the 5th time ;)
8) Loosing 35 pounds!!
9) Removing or significantly reducing stress by learning to recognize what bothers me, and then making changes accordingly (or at least attempting to!) 
10) Becoming re-united with my blogging and creative writing! :) 

Top 10 Goals for 2012
1) Keep being the best girlfriend that I can possibly be <3 
2) Become a certified step aerobics instructor
3) Run my first half marathon
4) Finding a full-time job that will satisfy all of my financial needs, (and that will at least be somewhat fun ;) )
5) Become less anxious!!! Write down my feelings ASAP, and get all negativity out of my system!! (I did improve with doing this this year, but it still needs work!) 
6) Be able to purchase my first Coach purse (yes, I know this sounds silly, but it is something that I really want, and it will be a good motivator for me too!) 
7) Continue blogging, and creating poetic pieces
8) Purchase my own car! (Probably a used one, but hopefully one with less miles and better gas mileage than my current soccer mom 'tank' ;) )
9) Graduate with Magna Cum Laude honors 

So as you can see, I do have quite the list of goals, and I can almost guarantee that I won't be able to get them all accomplished (especially number 10), but I do feel fairly confident that I *can* make changes. It might not all happen tomorrow, but eventually it is my goal to at least partially cross off each thing--by making small improvements.  

Oh, by the way, did you see my fortune in the picture above? I obtained this fortune from Hy-Vee on Wednesday when I ate Chinese with my sister Carolyn and her husband Wes, as well as Tyler, and I thought it was the loveliest fortune that I could receive! I'm praying that it will come true--even if it does unexpectedly (as things usually do) :) But, even if it doesn't, it still makes me feel happy to look at it, because it reminds me to believe in myself which is something I really need to do more of. Heck, maybe since I shared this fortune, you all can exceed your expectations too! So, Happy New Year, and best of luck! 2012, bring it on! :D 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is awesome! You can accomplish anything that you set your mind too! And I will be there every step!
