Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Health and Fitness Favorites- Fashion

Hello everyone!  I have been wanting to do a check in for health and fitness for awhile now.  Honestly, health-wise, I've never felt better!  I've been feeling strong, motivated, fresh, and happy, and I think that there are several things that I can point to that have Hello everyone!  With that in mind, I would like to start a health and fitness series on my blog again!  I have several go-to items that have been helping me succeed.  This article will be all about some of my favorite fitness 'fashion' items!

Okay, so I realize that you are probably scratching your head right now thinking "fitness fashion? Who cares!?!".  Believe it or not, but if you can feel good while you are working out, the chances are that you'll continue to do it.  Now, I know it's kind of an investment to buy clothes that you are just going to get sweaty in, but if you have some of the right items, you can also improve your performance!

Anyway, here is a collage of some of my fitness fashion favorites! Enjoy!

1) Pull-over sweatshirts are not only important for those cool-weather days, but they're also great for the casual, California lounge look that I have been loving lately.  Go for a pastel-ish color for more of that great "from-the-beach" vibe.

2) Sunglasses are an absolute must for any outdoor activity.  I absolutely could not run without sunglasses.  Even if it is not particularly sunny, they are a great form of protection from dust/wind. Make sure to find ones that have 100% UVA/UVB protection though! :)

3) Shorts are, of course, another must have item for fitness fashion.  These are not only practical/functional, but they would also be cute paired with a regular tee in the summertime!

4) Tank tops are another staple in fitness fashion.  I always look for ones that are breathable and cute.  Bright colors are also a must!

5) Great tennis shoes are also essential for proper exercise.  Asics is a great brand for all kinds of sports.  This is the style that I have been drooling over in particular!

6) Yoga leggings are another essential fitness fashion piece.  I am personally addicted to leggings in general for even everyday wear!  They are also great for the 'California' casual style too ;)

7) Another great option for a pull-over!  I honestly think this would be super cute paired with leggings and some tennis shoes!  (Almost too cute to get sweaty in, but it would make a nice option to just throw on over your tank top as you're leaving the gym)

Well, that's it for my fashion segment!  Stay tuned for my food section which is coming next!  :)  If you have any specific requests or questions, please be sure to leave a comment below!  <3 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Remembering to Clock Out

The typical corporate work day consists of a very similar schedule: clocking in at 8 am, writing emails, attending meetings, clocking out for lunch, eating lunch while at a meeting or at your desk (or sometimes at your leisure--if you're lucky!), clocking back in after lunch, checking and replying to emails, attending status meetings, working on projects, and finally clocking out at 5pm to go home.  Now, I know that not everyone is working in a corporate situation, nor am I currently, but the fact that these workers 'clock in' and 'clock out' every day is something that has given me some food for thought.  What if we non-corporate workers had a time card system too?

Now, for those of us who are not working in the corporate world, this notion of 'clocking out' is not so clear cut.  There is no cut off time from 'work'.  (Obviously some corporate people never 'clock out' either.. instead they *choose* to take their work home with them--and maybe not always consciously!)  And this is what drives me to write today--consciously remembering to clock out.

Clocking out is a practice that has been in use for a very long time.  I know you were probably aware of what it means, but it is key to remember the ultimate purpose of this notion--to move on or away from something.

Recently, I had been neglecting my time card.  I had been forgetting to clock out from work.  I was constantly queued into the large class load that I needed to take, the homework that came as a result, job searching (like a maniac, I should say!), chores needing to be done, personal care, health/fitness, as well as basic needs such as sleeping and eating.  My life had become like a machine, and I was quickly becoming miserable.  My anxiety sky-rocketed, I wasn't sleeping as well, I started to feel sick, I became crabby and impatient, and I even didn't say hi or smile as often.  I let the stress of all of my jobs take over, and I was constantly clocked in.

Now, I'm not trying to complain about all of the work that I've currently been involved in.  Anyone with common sense would know that the last semester of your senior year of college would be quite cumbersome (and exhausting!!).  I'm not trying to gain anyone's pity, or have anyone feel sorry for me.  All I am doing, is checking in with myself.  I was not happy with how my life was going, and I knew something needed to change--this is the result!  Naturally, when I come to such conclusions, I feel the overwhelming sensation to share, and now here you are!  Honestly though, even if I knew no one read my blog, I would still do this because it is so crucial for me to 'check in' with myself.  It's kind of like facing your scale every week--you don't really want to see the number, but you know you've got to do it anyway to keep yourself accountable and healthy!  And, it is, of course, much easier to make a five-pound adjustment than a ten or twenty pound adjustment! This goes for your emotional health too! If you consume to many negative 'calories', pretty soon your body and mind is loaded with negativity! Of course, if you add in stress, the problem balloons, and pretty soon everything seems hard--even getting out of bed in the morning.

So, what is a solution you ask?  Good question! Now, I know it's going to take some time to make the adjustments necessary to do this in my schedule, but my plan is to schedule a time every day where I 'clock out', and am done working for the day.  Since I do not work the typical hours, it is very easy to let time fluctuate, and I know that I *could* always be doing something "productive".  The thing is that productivity is limited to the amount of drive you have, and let's face it, by a certain point in the day, most people have lost that drive.  I think it's better to recognize it than to fight it!  Go ahead, and give in!  Clock out.  Instead of taking sporadic, low-quality breaks (such as checking facebook for twenty minutes), go ahead and schedule a point in the day where you can clock out and focus completely on yourself for at least 30 minutes.  Then, fill that time with meditation, exercise, or even your favorite activity.  Lately my hour run has not given me enough time to 'unwind', so I am going to incorporate a cut off point for my homework, and then spend time either blogging, writing in my diary, starting the food/gratitude journal that I've always wanted to start, working on scrapbooks, or whatever!  I haven't had enough time to be creative lately because I've been so focused on just survival--and it's high time I let the art back into my life.  So, yes, this is why I have not been blogging as often recently!  (Please forgive me!)

So, with all things considered, I hope that my 'check in' has at least provided you with some food for thought. If you're having a tough time with anything, feel free to check in here too.  I want this to be a community where  people feel free to share what's been going on in their lives--without any fear of judgement!!  So, if you decide to try 'clocking out', go ahead and comment below saying what you did for a quality break!  Or, even if you are just having a tough day/week, comment below!  Believe me, you might just be surprised at how much better you can truly feel once you let someone in.  Anyway, I know that this post has been a massive read, but it was very overdue, and much needed.  Thank you for letting me be me <3

PS~I am clocking out! xoxo