Sunday, December 30, 2012

Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgot?

Should old acquaintances be forget? This is the age old question that Robert Burns so poignantly asked in his melodic poem Auld Lang Syne in 1788. Even though he posed this question well over 200 years ago, it's amazing how true this question rings today. Originally sung by the Scots on New Years Eve, we still carry Burn's tune with us as we turn our calendars to reflect that a new year has begun.

Of course, as each new year begins, and as tradition often dictates, we are asked to take an inventory to see how we have changes within the last year - what accomplishments we've made, where we fell short, and where we gained strength. All are important in shaping us, whether failures or achievements, and even though I can honestly say that I made my fair share of mistakes in 2012, I have taken these moments, and re-calibrated my decision-making skills to reflect that I have learned. Of course, with learning from mistakes comes forgiving yourself, which presents to be a challenge for me. However, I can make that my goal for this new year - to forgive myself, to embrace myself, and to explore my limits in positive, healthy ways.

Now, if you read my post from last year, you will remember that I made a list of resolutions for myself, and I'd like to take stock, and see what I truly achieved:

"Top 10 Goals for 2012" 
1) Keep being the best girlfriend that I can possibly be <3

Indeed, I have been working on this, and I know that this is something I will have to continue working for each and every day. Believe it or not, the world is so full of temptations, and I truly do struggle with not giving in to flirtation. I try to wake up each day with dedication, and purpose, because I know that my relationship is worth fighting for. I truly am so very blessed, and I feel lucky and happy everyday because of the joy he has brought me!

2) Become a certified step aerobics instructor

Indeed! I did pass this exam; however, I am still looking for opportunities to teach a class. I am going to rededicate some energy to this and hopefully land an opportunity this next year!

3) Run my first half marathon

Although not 'officially', in terms of a race, I did run a half marathon, and I did make my 1,000 mile goal for the year! I am very proud that I've continued to stay dedicated to my passion for health and fitness. Although I may not work out every single day anymore, I do make an effort to stay very active and eat very cleanly.

4) Finding a full-time job that will satisfy all of my financial needs, (and that will at least be somewhat fun ;) )

YES! I scored big time on this! I am very happy with my job and I learn something new each and every day. Although it is extremely different than being a full-time student, I am happy with what I do, and I'm passionate about the new trends and creative juices I get to discover each day!

5) Become less anxious!!! Write down my feelings ASAP, and get all negativity out of my system!!

Thankfully I have really combated my issues with anxiety, and I'm finally coming to the point of accepting myself, and learning to really like myself. Yes, I still have days where I'll have anxiety attacks, but they are much less prevalent than they used to be! :)

6) Be able to purchase my first Coach purse (yes, I know this sounds silly, but it is something that I really want, and it will be a good motivator for me too!)

Dang it. I missed the mark on this one ;) Unfortunately Coach purses are even more out of my budget now than they were last year at this time! Living on my own has proven to be a big enough responsibility, but hey, a gal can keep dreaming (and drooling) each time she walks past the storefront in the mall, right? ;)

7) Continue blogging, and creating poetic pieces

Sadly, free time is still in short supply, but I did pretty well on posting at least once a month... Okay, I know that's terrible in terms of SEO, and I should be an example for others, since this is kind of my job, but client work comes first! :)

8) Purchase my own car! (Probably a used one, but hopefully one with less miles and better gas mileage than my current soccer mom 'tank' ;) )

I'm still saving! I'm super close though! 2013 it will be! :)

9) Graduate with Magna Cum Laude honors

DONE! :D On top of that, I had the incredible honor of being the class salutatorian, and this is a memory I will carry with me forever!


Surprisingly, I did not totally fail on this one! Now that I'm an old woman working 40-50 hours a week, I find 8 hours is generally what I get any more! (I still want more though! haha!)

Well! Now that I've had a chance to take a bit of an inventory, I should now take a moment to list my 10 goals for 2013!

1) Keep accepting myself, loving myself, and forgiving myself. This is of huge importance, for, how can we be the best to others if we do not first learn to love ourselves?
2) Try some new, creative avenues that might scare me, and inspire me. I want to gain as many experiences as I can, and explore my limits. I have several ideas in mind - including volunteering, possibly modeling, and gaining more education.
3) Remember to prioritize. Yes, there may be chores that need to be done, or a workout needed, but I must remember what's truly important - the people I love.
4) Practice patience with myself and others. We all make mistakes, and I must keep forgiving and letting go.
5) Continue to practice healthy habits. :)
6) Not judging others. We are deeper than our covers, and even the words we use. I need to keep remembering to truly listen to others and respect all people, even if I do not necessarily 'like' a particular person.
7) Ceasing complaints. I can be kind of a big baby at times, so I need to focus on positive thoughts and motivating myself to envision the best.
8) Continuing to love others the very best I can. Give without expecting anything in return, and being willing to help someone in need.
9) Continue to strengthen my skills in the professional world, and establishing new skills and relationships that will help me to continue being the best value I can to my company. Whether by being a better co-worker, a better sales person, or a better writer and strategist, I must completely dedicate myself when at work - it is my passion!
10) Keep putting out 100% every single day. There is not a day that isn't worth living. I was given this life and these opportunities for a reason. I must keep focusing on not wasting a single moment!

2013, I am ready for all you have to bring! I wish you all a wonderful New Year as well! What are your resolutions and inventories?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Winter Fairy Tale

It all began when I closed my eyes and whispered my wish to the snowflakes drifting across the night sky as they softly hit my windshield as I drove to the DSU formal dance of 2010. Just a few weeks previous, tears had streamed down my cheeks as I thought about all of the wishes I had made in my past. I knew there had to be more to my 'provincial' life I had experienced. I was tired of feeling naive and that I was reliving the same day over and over again. Little did I know that I would soon encounter the best, most thrilling adventure yet - Love. And yes, Love is more thrilling than any book I've read, or tale I had heard.

That, my friends, is where Belle and I have a lot in common. We're both a little odd, both book worms, adventure-lovers, and dwell in our futures (and in our imaginations!). I've encountered my fair share of beasts too, and no.. they did not turn into handsome princes. I know some fools, some boasters, and my parents have their strangeness too (sorry mom and dad). I sometimes don't fit in with my peers, and I sometimes feel like an outsider. But, these things have never entirely stopped me from believing.

My belief is what has brought me here today. For two years ago, I met the most amazing handsome prince you could ever imagine! (You can read more of that tale here). And recently, he took me on a romantic adventure to a land far, far away (also known as Omaha, Nebraska.. and no, it isn't really *that* far away! haha).

My entire life I have loved going to the theatre. My grandparents always took me to shows growing up, and would buy me a front row seat to see Grease, The Sound of Music, Suessical the Musical, Lost in Younkers, Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat, Charlie Brown, and many, many more. I loved the excitement and the energy behind those actors and actresses, and often wondered what it would be like to experience that transformation of the stage. Sitting in that audience though, dressed in my best, and spending that time completing immersing myself into those stories was truly magical, and I often miss, to this very day, those times.

Since I have such a love for story, and theatre, this year I wished to be taken to a show. Not just any show, but the show - Beauty and the Beast. I had never seen it performed live, and since it is my favorite fairy tale, I knew I had to see it! Being as blessed as I am, my very generous handsome prince was happy to oblige, and so we made our journey to Omaha.

Once in Omaha, we experienced the ever-confusing roads, the Von Maur Mall (gorgeous shopping centre, by the way), and the Cheesecake Factory (yum!). It was a world class experience to say the least! The best was yet to come, though!

We drove across Omaha to get downtown (again fighting the very confusing roads), and admired their vast array of skyscrapers and swanky cafes. The whole entirety was gorgeously lit, and took us back to the yesteryears as my heels clicked on the brick roadways.

As we approached the Orpheum, I knew I was about to experience something unbelievable, and it was. Magic was in every crevice - through the winding staircases, the stunning chandeliers, the beautiful statues, and the lovely artwork - everything was perfectly fit in its place.

We ascended into the heavens of the balcony, and sat on the classic red velvet seats, and anticipated the grand opening. A holograph of a single rose finally graced the stage as the story unfolded.

The singing, the choreography, the costumes, and the emotions were all perfectly on cue. I didn't miss a beat I was so entranced by the lovely stage and its story.

Days after this experience, I still pinch myself. Did this all happen? Yes! Dreams and magic can really exist and take place in this world. Even after all the disasters we've encountered, and the sadness we have witnessed. I am lucky to say that I still believe, and I hope that you do too.


Saturday, October 20, 2012


My life has been a series of pieces, a puzzle of memories intricately bound together. Each piece is significant, but sometimes cannot be understood when viewed alone. As my life rolls forward, the more pieces begin to connect, and the more I begin to understand. Although, even then, I find that pieces that seemed to make sense together really were not meant to connect, and I also find surprising combinations that I never would have expected. My puzzle is far from complete. I know that each day, each moment, I am gaining more and more pieces of experiences, memories, ideas, and feelings. These small fragments of life are what build me, though.

I know we've all had pieces added to our puzzles that are painful, or ones that we regret. Other pieces are beautiful and fall close to our hearts, and we hope to never forget those moments. What one must remember though is that all pieces are important. They are all shaping us, building us, and preparing us for the pieces to come.

I know, in my own puzzle-building experiences, that I've had several pieces that I hated to add at the time. I've been frustrated with some of the mistakes that I've made, and have been unhappy with some of the bad things that have happened, the bad experiences, and the discouraging times in my life when I felt like there would never be an upward turn. For some of these pieces, it's been several years since they've been added, and others, just a couple of months. However, I've recently discovered, that even these pieces are ones that I need to remember. Ones that seemed so bad or sad at the time, are no longer as painful as they used to be. Now, they are just a part of my life's picture. Just like any callus, bruise, or scar, they tell a story of something painful from the past; however, that pain teaches us, and can bring us pride, because we know that we can survive it.

This is the beauty of life's puzzle - the fact that the picture is slowly revealed, more and more, as we keep gaining pieces, and gaining perspective. I know someday, down the road, years from now, that the puzzle picture I see in front of me will most likely be much different than the one I see now. More of my pieces will have come together, and new connections will have been made. I am excited for the pieces that are yet to come, both the good and the bad. They are all equally important in shaping me, and my picture. I'm proud of the picture that I see now. No, not everything has been perfect, but it has been perfectly created for me to teach me what way to go in life. Knowing that this puzzle has been perfectly created for me is comforting, and I will continue to cherish it, even the seemingly insignificant, the terribly sad or maddening, and even the small, and happy. Each piece is so important, and I'm happy to have experienced it all. I hope that you too have enjoyed your puzzle-building, and will experience the joys that I have, and the comfort I have in knowing that each piece is truly unique, and truly perfectly fitted to your life. Experiencing that comfort is 'pieceful' enough. So keep collecting and connecting, and see the masterpiece that you can build! The possibilities are endless.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Shadow Lines

A slow, soft rumble echoes in the distance. Anticipation stirs the silent night and soon the humming grows louder with pangs and shrill yelps of bells followed by haunting bellows winding through the dark, hollow streets.  Industrious chugs matched by screechy wheels and throbbing carts dressed with art and scribble.  A lone car sits purring at a flashing red light waiting to cross the tracks to scurry into the cool walls of a garage.

The dawn breaks, and morning glistens on the dew dripped tracks.  Cars whir past daring an engine sitting stagnantly to budge after its long night flight.  Right at ten minutes to eight, the beast stirs and takes its turn to stretch and slide across its tracks creating a blockade for all of the impatient minivans and eco cars that had sprinted from their burrows, but who squelched to a stop at seeing those damned red lights blinking tauntingly.

The beast moves again and silents the lunch rush hour.  The drumming fingers on steering wheels keep time for the painfully shrill wheels and monotonous chugs.  The symbol of a past wonder, a past of struggle, pauses the trendy cars and pedestrians to try to make them consider the massive trip it has forgone.  The fingers keep on drumming, and sighs escape the mouths of frazzled businessmen in response to the blasting horns.  The drum, drum, drum of fingers soon fades into the whump, thump, clump of axes, picks, and shovels being thrown into the dirt from the strong shoulders of the men of 1860.

The labour injustice, and discrimination have long since been buried beneath the worn tracks, and the train passing seems merely too large of an inconvenience for some travelers.  Beneath those tracks though, lies an important piece of dark history; an important connector to our modern world and high fashioned life.  The old, stout cars are no longer a sign of wealth or freedom to travel to untamed land, but instead are predictable hunks of metal that sit rusting from weathering sun and rain.  The cars are like the arms of those men, though, that fought through the torrential winters and treacherous terrain.  They buried their blood and bones in those rails, and the tracks now cover their forced labour entirely.

America sought out those impoverished Irish and Chinese men to complete an essential part of her growth.  She fed off the weak to get stronger, and encouraged the rich to turn their cheeks to the suffering.  The sin of the rich is still buried beneath the tracks.  Now even the middle class man groans whenever he hears the blaring horn of a train...

I have to wonder as I stand admiring the majestic train if my life is much like America, though.  Am I unforgivingly forcing myself in my weakest places so that the strong parts of my identity can survive? Do I lay tracks over the parts of my character that I feel are worthless, or that I am ashamed of?  I am trying to appear so strong and modern - I am the face of the new generation.  Alas, though, I only do what anyone would do if faced with the most demanding of situations though... I sacrifice internal justice so that I can appear to be externally strong and industrious.  I know it is wrong, but I do it anyway - life must be a thing of control, right?

Wrong. Wrong. Wring. Clang. The train answers for me.  Justice must be served, the truth must be revealed, or else my truest self will break in rebellion and strike.  I will break free from the tracks I have laid upon myself.  No longer will the axes of society pick away at my identity, nor will the hammers of lies plunder upon my shoulders.  I will break free, and ride the paths much like the travelers who knew no sort of what was to behold in the unexplored West.  Yes, it may be dangerous, but it will be beautiful and momentous.  It will connect all parts of me -- the established, and the unestablished.  Yes, in the eyes of others I may be seen as a nuisance, and annoyance, but I will stand for my past, and cling to my future,  The paths are uncharted and crisp, and soon my whistle will have no enclosures to bounce off of -- I will be entirely free.  Have I sacrificed some of myself, yes.  Am I proud of this, no.  The future lies ahead though, so I will continue to chug forward, with my wheels spinning towards a brighter beginning.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012


Whether digging in our gardens, through our book bags or purses, or even old boxes, there's a small sense of urgency that we feel.  We are looking, searching, and sometimes even frantically rooting through the other pieces that stand in our way of finding what we really want.  Even the small tinges of anxiety we feel cannot nearly compare to the expectations we have, though -- after all, we wouldn't even begin to search for things at all if we didn't think we were going to find anything.

Most of my life I have spent digging.  Even today I was sorting through old boxes trying to unearth some of the early writings I had done.  I eventually found them after glancing through old yearbooks, scrapbooks, and diaries!  And, after looking at those things, I realized with great surprise that even in those documents I often expressed how I felt like something was missing from my life, or how I knew something was yet to come.  Even after all of those years, I still feel that way -- that my life is not nearly complete, and that there is still so much to come, so I continue to dig from time to time.

A few short months ago, I hit a major milestone in my life; I graduated from college, and was on my way to a big and bright future.  I still am on that track, even though I took a slight detour by digging through some rocks that looked like gems.  And this, my friends, is where digging gets tricky.  Sometimes we uncover things that seem so valuable, but after close examination, we realize that it was a 'knock off'.  We might feel ashamed, maybe embarrassed, or even scared to admit that we were wrong about our previous assumptions.  For some, it may even take years to admit to others that they had not been honest with anyone-- not even themselves.  That is why I'm stepping out of my comfort zone now.  I will admit that I thought I had found a gem, but it very quickly revealed that it was not.  I will also admit that part of my mistake was to not examine it as closely as I should have before grasping it out of the ground, but I will not take the blame for its false appearance.

Although this fake gem was a major disappointment, it was also a very good learning experience.  It reminded me to always examine, to never assume, and to never take anything for granted.  It also taught me that there is much value in a simple looking rock -- yes, they may not be so shiny or smooth, but they have character and honesty in their uneven surfaces.  They are not synthetic, so therefore they have stories that written history has no records of.  They make great building blocks and can even crushed to be made into the streets that connect us to our families and friends.  We may not always appreciate them, but they still remain, strong as ever.

So the next time your shovel hits a rock, examine it.  Although it may seem like a hindrance, it could contain more treasure than what you originally may have anticipated.  Same story goes if you find what appears to be a gem -- remember that it may not always be what it appears to be.  But, if you are lucky enough to uncover a true gem, remember to be grateful.  They are rare and beautiful and contain many precious memories.  Share them with those around you, and encourage them to continue digging even when they feel that all hope is buried.  

Friday, August 3, 2012


Standing still, cemented to the surface, and swarmed by superficial flakes when shook by the hands of someone larger than I.  I am a figurine, fragile, fearful and framed by this glass dome that I've been living under for far too long.  I long for freedom, frivolity, and happiness -- I deserve these things.  I will break free.  I'll find my feet once again.  If I could just find a way to free my self from this glue.  I peer out at the world as they stand above me, picking me up and shaking my world, turning me upside down, almost dropping me.

Glass cannot hold me back anymore.  I will let go of the fear of hitting the ground.  My glass may break, but they will no longer have hold of me.  My legs will stretch, my breath will restore, my voice will be heard.  Yes, I will no longer have the protection-- I'll feel naked and cold, but they will regret what they've done.  They will still try to hurt me, but what they have forgotten is that shards of glass will hurt them too. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Actions Speak Louder

I'm sure you are all more than familiar with the phrase "Actions speak louder than words". 16th-century French writer Michel de Montaigne was certainly not off mark when he first published these words in his essay. It is a phrase that still impacts the world around us today. Instead of focusing on the actions we do, our society is more entwined than ever with the power of words. Even this piece is filled with words that try to convey what is hard to say. Our world communicates via facebook statuses, tweets, meme wars, emails, blogs, and even video vlogs. Although these are highly sophisticated means of communication, I'm starting to wonder if we have lost the art of acting rather than speaking.

Take a look at some of the most recent occurrences. President Barack Obama just recently came out to say that he was supporting gay marriage. Although this was a brave move, I have to wonder, is he just saying this to get reelected?  Is he just *saying* it? Yes, I know I'm not the first person to ask these things about this situation, but it is important to consider. Same with education, women's equal rights, and all other important areas of focus: are our laws only *saying* that everyone will be treated fairly? The answer is yes, because even with these systems set up, there is still much injustice in the world. The laws only carry out what can be measured in words, and so do our lives.

A popular musical "Rent" proposes some interesting connections to this discussion as well. In one of the hit songs, "Seasons of Love", the characters question how life is measured. Is it in daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee? Is it in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife? What about love? Where has the passion gone?  Are we too focused on getting to the next destination? Have we lost the art of living in the moment but yet appreciating the visions we have for the future? I think the answer is yes. Passion has vanished for so many people--even myself--and that is what I'm trying to rediscover.

I have been feeling a little down lately simply because I have not found a job yet. Although I know that this is definitely worthy of some upset, it's begun to take over my life a little. I am constantly waiting for my phone to ring, and whenever it does, I'm always disappointed to see that the number on the caller id never is the one I wanted to see. I've been searching since January, and still, I have not found anything. I know this is not an uncommon situation, but for some reason, I just assumed that I would've found something by now. I'll admit it: I haven't, and even though there might be some people out there who get great satisfaction from this, they are not the people I should worry about.  I need to worry about appreciating these moments I've been given. Instead of wallowing in self pity, perhaps there is some greater plan for me--one that I never could have crafted--one that is immeasurable. I need to look past these moments of disappointment and realize that the future is not that far off. Something will work out, and although it might not measure up to anyone else's expectations, all that I need to worry about is whether or not it measures up to *my* expectations. My success will not be measured by how soon I find the place that I will work at, my success will be measured by how happy I am, and how it inspires me to keep achieving my best.    

This is what I challenge you all to think about today. Think about the power of words, societal expectations, the pressure from your parents (or anyone). How have these pressures affected you? Have they costed you the true satisfaction of doing what you love? If the answer is yes, then it's time to reconsider what you are doing! Life is short, do what you love, and do it with all of your heart.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Health and Fitness Favorites- Beauty

Hello everyone!  This is the third and final post for me health and fitness series (for now).  I may do a collage representing my favorite forms of exercise, if there is enough interest, so if you are interested, be sure to comment below!  This post is for all the beauty lovers that read my posts, and if you're a guy reading this-kudos!  Ha!  Anyway, although many of these products do not necessarily "improve fitness", they do definitely provide those feel-good vibes, that can help you to feel more confident!  There are also several products that will keep your skin looking and feeling healthier!  Of course, natural beauty is important, but we all like to feel like we look our best from time to time, and these are some of my favorite products to achieve that!  If you are totally sold on natural beauty, I completely respect that--just please try to respect that I happen to be a bit of... well... a makeup junkie! :)

Anyway, without further ado, here is my collage of my favorite beauty products!

1) Revlon Lip Butter-- If you've been anywhere near the beauty community on the web, I'm sure that you have heard more than enough about Revlon Lip Butters, but I will be redundant and say that I am completely obsessed with them!  They are super smooth on your lips, have amazing color payoff, and they even have SPF in them to protect your lips from the sun!  They are the perfect addition to your lip collection even if you are not a fan of lipstick. They also have a large selection of colors from nudes to bright reds!

2) L'Oreal Revitalift Complete Day Lotion-- This is a great daily moisturizer with SPF to protect your skin from the sun.  It also has an anti-aging complex in it that will smooth away any fine lines and wrinkles.  Now, I know what you're thinking "Catheryn, you're 22.  Why on earth do you need an anti-aging product?".  Well, I really use it more as a preventative measure.  Plus, it works great under makeup, and it really is not too much more expensive than any other facial moisturizer.

3) Aveeno Positively Radiant Skin Brightening Facial Scrub-- This is a great exfoliator for your face and neck!  It has small scrubbing bits that improve your skin tone (it's fabulous for hyper-pigmentation!), texture, and clarity!  It is gentle enough for everyday use, but could also be used every other day, or however often you felt the need.  It's an especially great product for this time of year because your skin will be going through its own natural 'shedding' process.

4) Rimmel Natural Bronzer-- Now, if you follow me on YouTube, you would know that I've already raved about this product!  It is the perfect bronzer, and when I say perfect, I mean *perfect*!  It is a very natural bronzer that isn't orange at all on the skin, nor does it have any excess glitter or shimmer like many other drugstore bronzers.  It gives your skin an all-over glow, and actually works quite well for contouring too!  They do have options available that have the glitter and shimmer in them too, if you are a glitter gal, so just pick according to your style!  (Nothing too dark though--just maybe a shade or two darker than your natural skin tone!)

5) Goody Jelly Hair Bands-- I could not find the exact name of this product, but they are hairbands (made by Goody) that are jelly-like instead of fabric.  I love these for ponytails and buns!  They do not slip out, and they are actually more comfortable to me than regular hair bands.  You can have a much tighter ponytail when you use these, which protects your hair from drooping, so they are perfect for working out!

6) Organix Renewing Moroccan Argon Oil Weightless Healing Dry Oil Spray-- Whew!  What a mouthful of a name for such a small product!  This is actually a very recent discovery for me, and let's just say it was love at first spray!  It smells fantastic, and it really does work wonders for your hair!  It works like many of the other very high end Moroccan Oils, but can be purchased for a fraction of the cost!  It's a perfect leave-in treatment, or just perfect to spritz in your hair after styling it!

7) Coppertone Sport Continuous Spray SPF 50-- I am the type of person that really tries not to go anywhere outside, for an extended time, without a protective sunscreen.  Skin cancer is one of the main kinds of cancer, and it almost 100% treatable if you think ahead and wear a sunscreen.  This kind is great in particular because it stays on even if you come into contact with water, or if you get sweaty!  There are generic kinds available too, so don't shy away!  Protect that skin! :)

8) Colgate Optic White Toothpaste-- Again, this is a very recent discovery for me, and I noticed immediate results when I used it!  Ir really does whiten your teeth in one brushing, and if you stick with using this product at least once a day, it does significantly make a difference.  It is very inexpensive compared to other whitening systems as well, which is great!  In other words, it contains the same ingredients as the white strips without the cost! :)

9) Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Lacey Lilac-- My favorite nail color for spring!  It is right on trend with the other pastels that are so coveted for spring.  It also will make an excellent summer color as well because it would look great against a tan!  It's super fun, and a great conversation-starter!  I had three people ask me where I got this color the other day! :D

So, those are my favorite beauty products as of right now!  They are all perfectly geared for this season, and will get you prepped up for the best summer ever! <3

Let me know if you'd be interested in my favorite exercises!  Otherwise, I'll be back to my random posts :) 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Health and Fitness Favorites- Food

Hey everyone!  This is the second post for my health and fitness series, and as you could probably guess from the title, this segment is all about FOOD!  Yes!  Prepare to drool!  Haha, okay try not to on your keyboard, but it might at least make your tummy grumble!

Over the last six months, I have found that having a clean diet is absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body.  Of course, I still leave plenty of room to indulge in the occasional sweet!  You cannot deprive yourself!  I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to nutrition either-although, I would eventually like to pursue certification in nutrition because it is such an important aspect of life!  One motto that I absolutely love is "you can never out-train a bad diet".  This is so true!  I remember working out fairly regularly for years without seeing much difference.  It wasn't until I started working out at least five days a week that I started to notice any changes.  Then, I started adding small changes to my diet.  From there, I kept adding in new healthy habits, and now here I am--35 lbs lighter and healthier!  And no, it's not all about the number on the scale!  It's really all about how healthy you feel! 

With all of that discussed, I would like to now include a collage of some of my recent food favorites!  These foods keep me feeling energized, and they have some really amazing health benefits too!  

1) Crunchies are actually a very recent discovery for me!  I actually found these at my local Lewis Drug.  I am always searching for healthy options wherever I go, and so when I find something, I always have to try it out! Crunchies are actually freeze-dried fruits.  Since they are freeze-dried instead of air-dried they actually retain more of their nutritional value!  They also do not have any added sugar, and make a great low-calorie snack.  They are also perfect to throw into a nut mix!  My favorite kind is Mango currently because I simply LOVE mangoes!  Mangoes are super healthy for you in general because they are a great source of Vitamin A, C, and B6.  They are also full of antioxidants and can help improve your skin!  My only complaint about Crunchies is that they are relatively expensive-around $5 a bag!  So, these will be just a treat for me!

2) HONEY!  First of all YUM!  Haha, second of all, it's pretty much good in everything--okay not everything, but it is my favorite natural sweetener.  (For any Vegan readers out there, Agave is a great natural sweetener that is pretty similar!)  Honey actually has some sources of antioxidants in it as well, and it is just an excellent sugar substitute!

3) Mango and Peach Black Tea has been another favorite of mine recently.  It is just the perfect pre-workout pick-me-up, or just great for the three-o-clock slump!  It is fairly high in caffeine, which is not a substance that everyone likes to use, but there are decaf versions available!  Black tea in general is quite good for a person (much better for you than any diet soda--which I just recently managed to kick the habit!).  Black Tea has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease!  Add in a teaspoon of honey and it will be delicious, I promise!

4) Clif bars are another great pre-workout snack!  They are 70% organic, which is pretty awesome!  Most granola bars are actually not very healthy at all!  These contain 10 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber which is great, and they have 270 calories, which really is not too bad considering.  They can also make a great meal replacement--along with a piece of fruit or two! 

5) Besides water, Fuze drinks are my absolute favorite!  They are low-cal, full of antioxidants, and they actually have electrolytes too, which will keep you hydrated.  Overall, Fuze is my sports drink of choice, just because they are actually made with real fruit juice, and they are very low in sugar (most of the sugar deriving from the fruit itself).  Make sure to get the slender version if you can, because the full-cal version packs 100 cal per bottle instead of the very low 15 cals per bottle for the slender.

6) Kashi Go Lean original cereal has been an absolute staple food item for me.  Not only is it great in taste and texture, but it has 13 grams of protein per serving and 10 grams of fiber which is awesome!  Protein is such an important part of your diet!  It has been shown that people who eat low-cal, high-protein diets lose more weight than those who eat low-cal, low-protein diets!  

7) Finally, I have included Kiwi fruit!  I know this is a random selection, but they are currently my favorite fruit.  I love all fruit really, but Kiwi fruit is full of health benefits including boosting your metabolism!  They are also high in fiber which will help to keep you feeling full.  They also have antioxidants which will help your body stay strong.  Some studies have also shown that Kiwi fruit can also help asthma sufferers!  

That concludes my favorite health and fitness foods!  I know I had a lot to say about each item, but I am truly becoming so passionate about nutrition.  Of course, I still eat cake, pizza and other not-so-healthy things, but I try to eat clean about 75% of the time.  And if I have a day where I am particularly 'unhealthy', I just try to compensate the next few days by eating clean at every meal.  So, no worries!  Everything in moderation!  If you try one of the options I have listed, let me know what you think!  If you have any suggestions, always, feel free to leave them below!  Thanks for reading! :) 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Health and Fitness Favorites- Fashion

Hello everyone!  I have been wanting to do a check in for health and fitness for awhile now.  Honestly, health-wise, I've never felt better!  I've been feeling strong, motivated, fresh, and happy, and I think that there are several things that I can point to that have Hello everyone!  With that in mind, I would like to start a health and fitness series on my blog again!  I have several go-to items that have been helping me succeed.  This article will be all about some of my favorite fitness 'fashion' items!

Okay, so I realize that you are probably scratching your head right now thinking "fitness fashion? Who cares!?!".  Believe it or not, but if you can feel good while you are working out, the chances are that you'll continue to do it.  Now, I know it's kind of an investment to buy clothes that you are just going to get sweaty in, but if you have some of the right items, you can also improve your performance!

Anyway, here is a collage of some of my fitness fashion favorites! Enjoy!

1) Pull-over sweatshirts are not only important for those cool-weather days, but they're also great for the casual, California lounge look that I have been loving lately.  Go for a pastel-ish color for more of that great "from-the-beach" vibe.

2) Sunglasses are an absolute must for any outdoor activity.  I absolutely could not run without sunglasses.  Even if it is not particularly sunny, they are a great form of protection from dust/wind. Make sure to find ones that have 100% UVA/UVB protection though! :)

3) Shorts are, of course, another must have item for fitness fashion.  These are not only practical/functional, but they would also be cute paired with a regular tee in the summertime!

4) Tank tops are another staple in fitness fashion.  I always look for ones that are breathable and cute.  Bright colors are also a must!

5) Great tennis shoes are also essential for proper exercise.  Asics is a great brand for all kinds of sports.  This is the style that I have been drooling over in particular!

6) Yoga leggings are another essential fitness fashion piece.  I am personally addicted to leggings in general for even everyday wear!  They are also great for the 'California' casual style too ;)

7) Another great option for a pull-over!  I honestly think this would be super cute paired with leggings and some tennis shoes!  (Almost too cute to get sweaty in, but it would make a nice option to just throw on over your tank top as you're leaving the gym)

Well, that's it for my fashion segment!  Stay tuned for my food section which is coming next!  :)  If you have any specific requests or questions, please be sure to leave a comment below!  <3 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Remembering to Clock Out

The typical corporate work day consists of a very similar schedule: clocking in at 8 am, writing emails, attending meetings, clocking out for lunch, eating lunch while at a meeting or at your desk (or sometimes at your leisure--if you're lucky!), clocking back in after lunch, checking and replying to emails, attending status meetings, working on projects, and finally clocking out at 5pm to go home.  Now, I know that not everyone is working in a corporate situation, nor am I currently, but the fact that these workers 'clock in' and 'clock out' every day is something that has given me some food for thought.  What if we non-corporate workers had a time card system too?

Now, for those of us who are not working in the corporate world, this notion of 'clocking out' is not so clear cut.  There is no cut off time from 'work'.  (Obviously some corporate people never 'clock out' either.. instead they *choose* to take their work home with them--and maybe not always consciously!)  And this is what drives me to write today--consciously remembering to clock out.

Clocking out is a practice that has been in use for a very long time.  I know you were probably aware of what it means, but it is key to remember the ultimate purpose of this notion--to move on or away from something.

Recently, I had been neglecting my time card.  I had been forgetting to clock out from work.  I was constantly queued into the large class load that I needed to take, the homework that came as a result, job searching (like a maniac, I should say!), chores needing to be done, personal care, health/fitness, as well as basic needs such as sleeping and eating.  My life had become like a machine, and I was quickly becoming miserable.  My anxiety sky-rocketed, I wasn't sleeping as well, I started to feel sick, I became crabby and impatient, and I even didn't say hi or smile as often.  I let the stress of all of my jobs take over, and I was constantly clocked in.

Now, I'm not trying to complain about all of the work that I've currently been involved in.  Anyone with common sense would know that the last semester of your senior year of college would be quite cumbersome (and exhausting!!).  I'm not trying to gain anyone's pity, or have anyone feel sorry for me.  All I am doing, is checking in with myself.  I was not happy with how my life was going, and I knew something needed to change--this is the result!  Naturally, when I come to such conclusions, I feel the overwhelming sensation to share, and now here you are!  Honestly though, even if I knew no one read my blog, I would still do this because it is so crucial for me to 'check in' with myself.  It's kind of like facing your scale every week--you don't really want to see the number, but you know you've got to do it anyway to keep yourself accountable and healthy!  And, it is, of course, much easier to make a five-pound adjustment than a ten or twenty pound adjustment! This goes for your emotional health too! If you consume to many negative 'calories', pretty soon your body and mind is loaded with negativity! Of course, if you add in stress, the problem balloons, and pretty soon everything seems hard--even getting out of bed in the morning.

So, what is a solution you ask?  Good question! Now, I know it's going to take some time to make the adjustments necessary to do this in my schedule, but my plan is to schedule a time every day where I 'clock out', and am done working for the day.  Since I do not work the typical hours, it is very easy to let time fluctuate, and I know that I *could* always be doing something "productive".  The thing is that productivity is limited to the amount of drive you have, and let's face it, by a certain point in the day, most people have lost that drive.  I think it's better to recognize it than to fight it!  Go ahead, and give in!  Clock out.  Instead of taking sporadic, low-quality breaks (such as checking facebook for twenty minutes), go ahead and schedule a point in the day where you can clock out and focus completely on yourself for at least 30 minutes.  Then, fill that time with meditation, exercise, or even your favorite activity.  Lately my hour run has not given me enough time to 'unwind', so I am going to incorporate a cut off point for my homework, and then spend time either blogging, writing in my diary, starting the food/gratitude journal that I've always wanted to start, working on scrapbooks, or whatever!  I haven't had enough time to be creative lately because I've been so focused on just survival--and it's high time I let the art back into my life.  So, yes, this is why I have not been blogging as often recently!  (Please forgive me!)

So, with all things considered, I hope that my 'check in' has at least provided you with some food for thought. If you're having a tough time with anything, feel free to check in here too.  I want this to be a community where  people feel free to share what's been going on in their lives--without any fear of judgement!!  So, if you decide to try 'clocking out', go ahead and comment below saying what you did for a quality break!  Or, even if you are just having a tough day/week, comment below!  Believe me, you might just be surprised at how much better you can truly feel once you let someone in.  Anyway, I know that this post has been a massive read, but it was very overdue, and much needed.  Thank you for letting me be me <3

PS~I am clocking out! xoxo

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mystery Date

Hello everyone! It's getting close to one of my favorite holidays of the year! You guessed it! It's Valentine's Day! Now, I know some of you may be groaning or rolling your eyes, but really, it doesn't have to be all about the mushy-gushy stuff. Instead it can be seen as an opportunity to do something nice for someone special or to a random person!

Anyway, no matter who you're showing your affection to, there are so many fun and creative ways to do it, and today I'm going to share a few of them with you! :)

First of all, if your name happens to be Tyler Bouma, you better stop reading now, because some of these ideas are for you ;) hehe

Anyway, our family recently purchased the 1965 classic edition of 'Mystery Date', and as you can see from the picture, it is a very girly game, which calls for each girl player to get three pieces to from an outfit before she can go on a date.  Then, once she lands on an "Open the door" space, she then spins the knob of the mystery door to see who her true love is.  If it is Dud, then she loses everything and has to start all over on her quest, but if she opens to find her matching man, then she has won the game!  Not only is the game gobs of fun to play (especially with three little sisters), but it totally inspired me to think of some fun and creative dates for anyone!

Before I begin, you must know that I am a person who likes to do small, creative things for the people that I love! I like to make coupons that allow a person to turn them in for a special gift or treat, such as a back massage or for a coffee drink from McDonalds. They are simple and fun to make, and easy to give to just about anyone.  For a friend, you could even make a booklet of inspirational quotes too (which is almost completely free - minus cost of paper and labor).

Another fun and simple idea is to take a standard die from like a board game and roll to see what kind of activity you are going to do.  I am definitely planning on doing this with Tyler!! You just assign a different activity or even a gift item to each number rolled, and then whatever number you get, that's what you do/give!  Not only is this incredibly easy, but it also keeps your date nights from getting too 'predictable'.

Another fun idea is to have a scavenger hunt!  I am actually organizing one for Tyler for our one-year anniversary which is coming up on Saturday!  (Yes, I will post about it!!!)  But anyway, a scavenger hunt is always fun, and can definitely lend itself to either romantic, or friendly intentions! :)

Now, for an idea that I was inspired by via Pinterest!  Yes, I am a pin-addict ;) hahah Anyway, one idea that particularly struck me was to take a simple, weekly pill holder and use it to stick small love notes into each day (or you could put homemade coupons in them too) and then put a small piece of candy into them, such as tic tacs, or m&m's.  I'm actually going to put conversation hearts into the pill case that I'm making for Tyler, since I'll be giving that to him on Valentine's Day!  This is a particularly nice gift for V-Day just because it can remind your special someone that you not only think about them on that day, but every single day!  It's also a nice, random gift to give too!  Such as for a friend or a hubby who's going on a business trip, or just for a small way to say, "I love you", or "I care about you".  :)

From these ideas, I hope that you can see that Valentine's Day does not always have to be a big, elaborate shin-dig, instead, it can be a day where you actually take the time to make something special for the ones you love. Sure, it might be nice to receive a dozen roses, and there's surely nothing wrong with it, but it really is fun to go out of your way to actually 'hand-make' something!  Not only will the person appreciate it more, but I really do think that *you* will get more joy out of giving it too! :)   

Friday, January 13, 2012

Love stories

I tend to think of my love story as a story about serendipity. Not only is serendipity a beautiful concept on its own, but it has graced my life in many different ways this year. I plan to live each day to the fullest, and continue being the best girlfriend I can. For all of my fellow romantics out there, I have so many good ideas for you to do for your loved ones on Valentines day (or any other day that you want to spread a little extra love). I have several DIY projects (both ones I've come up with and others that I've stolen via pinterest) hahah! Anyway, I'll be posting some projects here over the next few weeks, and I'll be sure to share with you some tidbits from my life before I had been graced with serendipity. After all, we all have our own love stories--each beautiful in their own way--our personal ones just happen to be our favorites simply because they are ours! <3

For anyone who is really excited about love~

This song has completely inspired me!

And, if you're in a particularly romantic mood, watch this video!