Friday, April 6, 2012

Health and Fitness Favorites- Food

Hey everyone!  This is the second post for my health and fitness series, and as you could probably guess from the title, this segment is all about FOOD!  Yes!  Prepare to drool!  Haha, okay try not to on your keyboard, but it might at least make your tummy grumble!

Over the last six months, I have found that having a clean diet is absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body.  Of course, I still leave plenty of room to indulge in the occasional sweet!  You cannot deprive yourself!  I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to nutrition either-although, I would eventually like to pursue certification in nutrition because it is such an important aspect of life!  One motto that I absolutely love is "you can never out-train a bad diet".  This is so true!  I remember working out fairly regularly for years without seeing much difference.  It wasn't until I started working out at least five days a week that I started to notice any changes.  Then, I started adding small changes to my diet.  From there, I kept adding in new healthy habits, and now here I am--35 lbs lighter and healthier!  And no, it's not all about the number on the scale!  It's really all about how healthy you feel! 

With all of that discussed, I would like to now include a collage of some of my recent food favorites!  These foods keep me feeling energized, and they have some really amazing health benefits too!  

1) Crunchies are actually a very recent discovery for me!  I actually found these at my local Lewis Drug.  I am always searching for healthy options wherever I go, and so when I find something, I always have to try it out! Crunchies are actually freeze-dried fruits.  Since they are freeze-dried instead of air-dried they actually retain more of their nutritional value!  They also do not have any added sugar, and make a great low-calorie snack.  They are also perfect to throw into a nut mix!  My favorite kind is Mango currently because I simply LOVE mangoes!  Mangoes are super healthy for you in general because they are a great source of Vitamin A, C, and B6.  They are also full of antioxidants and can help improve your skin!  My only complaint about Crunchies is that they are relatively expensive-around $5 a bag!  So, these will be just a treat for me!

2) HONEY!  First of all YUM!  Haha, second of all, it's pretty much good in everything--okay not everything, but it is my favorite natural sweetener.  (For any Vegan readers out there, Agave is a great natural sweetener that is pretty similar!)  Honey actually has some sources of antioxidants in it as well, and it is just an excellent sugar substitute!

3) Mango and Peach Black Tea has been another favorite of mine recently.  It is just the perfect pre-workout pick-me-up, or just great for the three-o-clock slump!  It is fairly high in caffeine, which is not a substance that everyone likes to use, but there are decaf versions available!  Black tea in general is quite good for a person (much better for you than any diet soda--which I just recently managed to kick the habit!).  Black Tea has been proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease!  Add in a teaspoon of honey and it will be delicious, I promise!

4) Clif bars are another great pre-workout snack!  They are 70% organic, which is pretty awesome!  Most granola bars are actually not very healthy at all!  These contain 10 grams of protein and 9 grams of fiber which is great, and they have 270 calories, which really is not too bad considering.  They can also make a great meal replacement--along with a piece of fruit or two! 

5) Besides water, Fuze drinks are my absolute favorite!  They are low-cal, full of antioxidants, and they actually have electrolytes too, which will keep you hydrated.  Overall, Fuze is my sports drink of choice, just because they are actually made with real fruit juice, and they are very low in sugar (most of the sugar deriving from the fruit itself).  Make sure to get the slender version if you can, because the full-cal version packs 100 cal per bottle instead of the very low 15 cals per bottle for the slender.

6) Kashi Go Lean original cereal has been an absolute staple food item for me.  Not only is it great in taste and texture, but it has 13 grams of protein per serving and 10 grams of fiber which is awesome!  Protein is such an important part of your diet!  It has been shown that people who eat low-cal, high-protein diets lose more weight than those who eat low-cal, low-protein diets!  

7) Finally, I have included Kiwi fruit!  I know this is a random selection, but they are currently my favorite fruit.  I love all fruit really, but Kiwi fruit is full of health benefits including boosting your metabolism!  They are also high in fiber which will help to keep you feeling full.  They also have antioxidants which will help your body stay strong.  Some studies have also shown that Kiwi fruit can also help asthma sufferers!  

That concludes my favorite health and fitness foods!  I know I had a lot to say about each item, but I am truly becoming so passionate about nutrition.  Of course, I still eat cake, pizza and other not-so-healthy things, but I try to eat clean about 75% of the time.  And if I have a day where I am particularly 'unhealthy', I just try to compensate the next few days by eating clean at every meal.  So, no worries!  Everything in moderation!  If you try one of the options I have listed, let me know what you think!  If you have any suggestions, always, feel free to leave them below!  Thanks for reading! :) 

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