Hello everyone! I know that it's a pretty crazy time of the semester for everyone--or at least I know it's a crazy time for me! It's midterm season here at good ol' DSU, and that means nights of practically no sleep, and days so busy there's hardly a moment to think. So you're probably wondering why I'm sitting here writing a blog post.... Good question! Haha, okay I think we all know the *real* reason why - procrastination! Garsh, that problem will be the death of me! But seriously, that actually isn't the whole reason why I'm writing today. Today I'm going to tell you about a little, okay large!!!, journey that I have undertaken in the last 5 months--the journey to wellness. Now, if you're easily offended by serious motivation, this post is not for you to read--just kidding. If you don't like what I have to say, I can respect that.
Anyway, enough disclaimers and chit chat, let's get down to business! (Cheesy segway...) This is actually going to be the first post in a series of posts because I have so much to say about my journey to wellness! There are so many different aspects to consider, and so much tied into being "well". So today I'm going to talk about fitness, or moving my body.People have probably noticed that my body has changed a little bit in the last few months, and I should hope so! I've now lost 26 pounds, down two (sometimes three) sizes, and I feel so much better too! I've worked my @$$ off to get here (literally), and I'm not going to sugar coat that effort at all....
It all started after a few problems I had been having with my shoulder. One morning I woke up and simply could not move without crying because I had slept on it wrong. I missed classes so that I could lay in bed with a sore shoulder the whole day.I knew that there was something more to be done about it. After thinking about it for a day or two, I decided that I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all of the time, and so I decided to try working out a bit more to see if it would improve my health. So about two days a week I tried doing my elliptical, along with going to a Step Aerobics class at our community center (which I had already been doing). Feeling better already, I decided to make exercise a permanent fixture in my life.
Around my sister's wedding, I began on a new track to try to get in a little better shape. I purchased a Jillian Michael's video called "30 Day Shred", and even though it seemed somewhat gimmicky, it actually turned out to be one of the best workouts ever! I never thought that I would ever get past level one on that thing, but somehow I just kept pushing on and I knew that my strength would only improve. After completing the shred, I decided to get Jillian's "Ripped in 30", I know it sounds really silly and like it wouldn't work, but after trying the level four workout, let me tell you I will never doubt Jillian again. I now consider her to be one of my favorite health mentors. She has such a great outlook on life too, which I will talk more about in my next post. Anyway, I still do this workout routinely, as I have not found anything tougher! hahah! That's seriously how tough it is!
I've also started running a lot more too! I really enjoy running because it's a great time to clear my mind! I usually run anywhere from 3-6 miles a day, and I'm seriously addicted! And if it's too cold to run outside, I simply substitute my elliptical or my treadmill in for 30 minutes.
Other than running, I also love the ToneItUp team on youtube. Not only do they have countless workout videos to help you out when you're short on time, but they also have an amazing blog where they share healthy recipes and foods to incorporate into your diet. I will talk more about my diet in a separate post too. I absolutely love their ab-workout videos. Yes, I finally have a 6-pack now :) And, I love their "love-handle" workout videos, because what woman loves her love handles? Certainly not this gal! But seriously, it was a major problem area for me, and I've noticed a huge difference since I've added their videos into my routine.
So what is my daily exercise regimen? Well, it is a little crazy, but I promise it delivers. One Mondays and Wednesdays I usually go to my Step Aerobics class (which is an intense, hour-long, fun, and fast-paced class!) (This is also the FIFTH semester that I have participated in it!) And then, if I have time, I'll try to go for a run too (usually about 3 miles) so that adds up to be about an hour and a half. On every other day, I'll usually run for 30 minutes (I try to really push and run 4-6 miles here), do my Jillian video (about 30 minutes), and then do two ToneItUp videos (about 20 minutes) and then I'll just do some arm lifts for 5-10 minutes, so again it adds up to be an hour and half, which sounds like a HUGE commitment, and it is! TRUST ME! Especially when I have to do it in the morning! BLAH! So, am I suggesting that you start at this level? Absolutely not--unless you've already been working out and would like to step it up. What I suggest is finding some sort of exercise that you find fun. Find a sensible amount of time that you would like to do it for, and then do it! Every day! Also, I really try not to take days off. I think it's a bad idea, and a bad habit to get into, but if you're not as habitual as I am, then go for it. Just keep in mind that if you take two days off a week, it adds up to be a whole week by the time that month is over, and if you multiply that by twelve months, that's twelve WEEKS of not working out, which is about 3 MONTHS... So it's your choice, but I personally think that exercise should be a daily thing for everyone--even if it's just going for a 30 minute, slow-paced walk. It's better than nothing, and it'll improve your life by leaps and bounds. Trust me.
So let's review! Do something you love, find a sensible amount of time to do it in, do it every day, and remember that you're improving your life one step at a time. It really doesn't have to be super hard; in fact, you may come to really enjoy some new time for yourself--you're worth the fight, so step up to the plate and swing :)
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