Hello again everyone! Shocking how I've managed to post the last two days now, right? Haha! I think so too ;) I'm just sitting around with some free time at the moment, so I thought, what they hay? I'll just write another segment of my "Going the Distance" series.
Today, I'm going to be talking about mind set, or emotional health, which is by far the *most* important part of any healthy life style. If you are not sound mentally, then everything else will just be in disarray. So, it's very important that you stay focused mentally on your diet and exercise regimen, as well as continuing to love and nurture yourself!
This was by far the hardest part of establishing my new lifestyle because I was a very self-destructive person. I used to constantly bring myself down and beat myself up because I felt like I was not living up to my expectations. I would then take these feelings out by having lots of unhealthy foods, and sit around for hours watching TV and Youtube. Sounds really bad, right? It was. I was a very unhappy person there for awhile, and things were definitely out of control. But now I've learned that self discipline is not a way to punish yourself, but rather regain control of your life! Sure, I still have days where I'm not thrilled with who I am, but I think everyone has those days ;) When I'm having a day like that, I take some time to meditate and journal about why I'm feeling that way, and then I like to write about things that I'm thankful for, and things that do make me happy. This focus on positive things is *so* important, because once you banish the negativity in your life, you will be able to conquer anything! :D
Meditation, or prayer, are very important aspects of mental wellness. Do whichever suits you best. Just take some time to reflect every day. Once you start to do this, you'll not only feel more connected with yourself, but you'll feel more connected with the universe, or God, or any other higher power that you believe in. Take time every morning to think three positive thoughts. Constantly put it out to the universe that you *can* do whatever task at hand, and believe it. Once you believe that you can do something, 99.9% of the time, you will be able to do it :)
In order to stay focused in your diet and exercise, just keep thinking positively. I know this all sounds kind of cheesy, but I promise that it works. Tell yourself that you *will* eat healthy, (lean, clean, and green!!!) and do it! Believe in yourself! You might be surprised by how much you can accomplish! :) And if you need a great meditation video, I love this one from ToneItUp! Not only do you get a great meditation, you get a great stretch in too, which is always a good thing! Also, listening to motivational speakers is a great thing too! I personally love Jillian Michaels motivational materials. Sign up with a health community or follow a personal trainer on Twitter or Facebook. Seeing those little reminders really will help you to stay focused and positive!
Again, you can always leave comments or message me on Facebook if you need some help, or if you're having a tough day. Even if you aren't trying to diet, it's so important that you incorporate some positivity into your life. So be happy, stay strong, and remember, each day is a new opportunity to get one step closer to your goals! :)
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