We're all familiar with this moment... The lights are dim, the warm faces of your friends and family encircling you with their eyes bright and their faces illuminated by the soft glow of neon candles melting into the silky, sugary palette of frosting decking the sweet, spongy birthday cake about to be consumed. They're all waiting. The cheerful tune of 'happy birthday' has just been sung, and spirits are high. Anticipation is higher. Thinking with your eyes pinched tightly, and holding in all your hopes in dreams, you inhale and then your eyes burst open along with a forceful exhale to extinguish the candles, and release your dreams into the world, and the year ahead of you.
There's nothing quite like a birthday for a time to examine yourself and think good and hard about what you've accomplished, and what you hope to accomplish within the next year. You also know that it's a time where you get to make a wish, and not just any wish, but a wish that will be added to your life's story. Maybe the wish does not always come true, but it is always answered - perhaps unexpectedly, or in a way that you would not prefer, but it is still an answer.
These moments surround us.. these breaths of anticipation. And they don't necessarily come often, but they're important. They allow us the opportunity to completely give in to our deepest desires, and to put it out to the world without any shame - even if it is in the form of a secret, or a wish. The smoke carries our unsaid words and scatters the hopes into ever nook in our homes, and then disperses into the atmosphere. It's like magic. It's exciting, thrilling, and just plain fun. That's why birthdays, new years, and anniversaries are so meaningful. They're a milestone for us to stop and think and plan for what may lie ahead, while appreciating what we have experienced in the past. They're a moment to be grateful, optimistic, and determined. And although these moments only last a moment, they are the breaths of anticipation. As long as we exhale our hopes and dreams when given these fleeting opportunities, then we can be a part of what has been and what is to come. Come what may, and love it. Life is constantly poetic, and let us never forget it :)
Things I am grateful for today:
1) A wonderful birthday which I was able to celebrate with my loving family and friends. I am so incredibly blessed to have so many people wishing well things for me.
2) The opportunity to meditate, and anticipate what I want to accomplish in the year ahead of me. I know 23 will bring many big changes my way. I will go places, and do so many new things. I have potential, and I'm ready to see it blossom :)
3) My sister and Tyler. My two soul mates. Both know every single thing about me, and love me despite or in spite of those things :)
Things I am positive about:
1) Changes that are to come my way. Honestly, I feel like one of those old people that gets the feeling in their bones before the weather changes. Something wonderful and amazing is about to happen. I know it. I FEEL it :)
2) Love. I have so many loving people, and I am learning to love more too. I'm really beginning to learn to love myself, embrace myself, and live out loud.
3) Charity. I'm about to be given a great opportunity to share my time and talents with those in-need, and there is nothing more rewarding than being the help that someone needs so much.
Three goals for tomorrow:
1) Stay positive, and immerse myself completely into what I do. Live, breathe, and be social.
2) Call and talk to a friend I haven't talked to in awhile :)
3) Take care of some of the cobwebs and clutter that has collected in my brain, and cross some things off on my mental checklists
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