Thursday, January 24, 2013

Daily Dose

I am sitting in the quiet warmth of my apartment once again lavishing in the luxury of the calm walls and the soft glow of two candles lit nearby. It is peaceful and I feel whole and centered once again. I noticed today was a bit more manageable, and maybe it was my imagination (or just a placebo effect) but I already felt significantly better about myself amongst the flurry of deadlines to meet at work today. I didn't feel anxious for even a minute! I'm already starting to feel my body and spirit shift towards a more positive outlook, like a plant leaf turns to find the sun. So without further ado, I will commence on my lists for today.

Things I am grateful for:

1) The time that I was able to spend with my sister after work tonight. It was so fun to make bagel pizzas, drink some hard lemonade, and just laugh and smile. So often I forget the simple power of a smile :) It's fun, and it's a good look for me.. I should wear one more often :)

2) I am grateful for another opportunity to simple sit and be. I'm really starting to find this to be addicting, and it's only my second day. It's really fun and awesome to be able to reflect and think about what I want to accomplish and how blessed I am :)

3) I'm thankful that I got to spend more time with Duchess, my bunny too. Being with her allows me to stay less stressed as well!

Things I am positive about:

1) I am positive that I will discover something truly magnificent on this self-discovery journey. I'm not sure what.. And maybe all this 'self talk' might turn a few of you off, but I encourage you all to do the same. There's so much we can discover about ourselves and others if we just stop to listen.

2) I am positive about this weekend. I know if will be very relaxing to spend time away from my worries and go back to being just 'Catheryn'. No title, no rank, other than 'sister', 'daughter', 'granddaughter', and 'loved', which my favorite titles.

3) I am positive about these next few months at work. There are lots of projects on the forefront, and lots of exciting things to plan for and to look forward to. I really do feel like I am getting the hang of things as time goes on. There's a lot to do and SO much to learn. I know I'll keep making mistakes along the way, but how else will I learn?

Three goals for myself for tomorrow:

1) Wake up 30 minutes early again and work out
2) Find another 30 minutes to just 'sit' and 'be'
3) Smile at 5 strangers, strike up a conversation with 1, and give an unsuspected compliment :) 

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