Hello everyone! I hope that you've all been having a great week so far! I'm loving this transitional weather that we've been having so far! It's so beautiful outside, and every time I go outside, I can't help but smile because the change excites me! Winter is such a beautiful season in my opinion. Seriously, from the intricate patterns of frost clinging on your windows to the sparking flakes of white noise drifting from the heavens, there's such a simple beauty that's full of hope and promise. And, of course there's nothing as wonderful as stepping outside in a new pea coat, with a bunchy scarf enveloping your neck, and feeling the flakes of snow brushing against the skin on your face. Simple and yet so beautiful. (Yes, I know it hasn't snowed yet, but if you couldn't tell, I'm just a little excited!) Like I said though, it's just a time full of promise for me. Promise of what's to come.... And that's what I wanted to write about today--Bright wishes for the future.
We all have so many hopes and dreams for our futures. Some that are a bit far-fetched, and some that seem much more likely to happen. We make wishes for each day that we live, and make wishes for every day to come. What we often forget, or at least what *I* often forget, is to make cautious wishes. Sure, we can sarcastically wish that a class will be cancelled, or wish that our computer will crash so that we have an excuse to get out of an assignment, or wish that we could skip a day that has less-than-appealing activities planned. Once we put those things out there, and focus on them, they usually happen... That's the funny thing about life. Once we focus on something, our life begins to revolve around it to some degree. That's why I wrote a whole post dedicated to mental wellness and why it's so important to focus on the positive things in life. Let me give you an example of one wish that I have made for so many years of my life, and now, I'm kind of regretting it, but yet not!
I wished for my life to fast-forward...
Sounds a little familiar, right? I don't care how wonderful your high school experience, or college experience, was--you probably wished at some point in time that you could be a 'grown-up'--completely on your own, making your own decisions, and doing your own thing--individualism, to keep it short and sweet. This really is an interesting thing to wish for, because no matter where you are in life, there will always be someone influencing you. Which is something that you don't want to wish away, believe me! That's not what I was really intending for with this wish though. My intent for fast-forwarding was so that my career path would already be decided, and that I could 'comfortable'. But why would I wish for comfort? And who's to say that I'll be comfortable when I'm older? I could have a whole new set of problems to face! Sometimes, you've got to be uncomfortable, in the now moment, to make your life worthwhile.
As of now, my life has been on fast-forward a little bit. I'm almost half way through my last year at University, and I'm about to graduate with my degree of choice- English! :D As exciting as this is, I'm starting to get a little nervous. The deadline for me to make decisions is coming up. Oy. I'm usually spot-on with deadlines for assignments, and always working weeks ahead on projects and such--in other words, I'm being a typical English nerd! Ha! But it's a lifestyle I've really come to embrace--always putting the best of myself out there, and even if I don't get an "A" on every project or paper, I will know that I tried *my* hardest! :)
So, I suppose I should do the same thing with my career path! Just put my best foot forward, and try my hardest. I should follow the same path as those little snowflakes--embracing my individuality, shining with all my might, continuing to pray for hope, and knowing that I have a world of promise ahead <3
I like it! But I can't say that I am as excited as you are for winter... haha