Such delicate fragments of ice that have been cracked apart and swept ashore by the blustery, unforgiving winds. The winds wrecked their formations and blew them so hard that they collided with the rocks. However, they seem to have adapted to live together quite nicely. They are now snuggling among the rocks, and bracing them from the harsh winds, and freezing waters. The stories of Nature are endless, and even the smallest stories are worth telling. Yes, I find the simple things of Nature to be the most beautiful.
A collection of inspiring, optimistic, wholesome, amusing, and quirky thoughts and ideas about my pharmacy journey as well as health, fitness and other musings.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Running with All Her Strength
She knew that she had been hiding her feelings from the world, and she was tired of living a lie--a lie she mostly told to herself.
She had told herself she wasn't worth it, but she knew that reality was quite the opposite--She *was* worth it.
So she picked up all of her anxieties, all of her imperfections, all of her incongruences, and she started to run.
She didn't know where she was headed, or which way was north, but she kept on running and praying.
She didn't care how silly she looked, or how many people doubted her. She just ran.
Every step was one step closer to her true self, and she ran and prayed every day from then on out.
6 months later, she still runs, and fights for the truth.
She feels more beautiful than ever--not just because she has lost weight from her body, but because she has lost the weight of all that baggage.
She doesn't care anymore what people think. She just tries to do what God tells her too, and she does it with all of her heart.
It's not always easy, and it doesn't always make sense, but she still does it.
Some people may not understand her either, but that's okay, because who's she trying to impress anyway?
So, she will just keep on running, fighting, praying, and knowing that she's finally going down the right road, and that realization is more than she could've ever asked for.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
If you are currently a college student, or if you have been in the past, you know all too well what this acronym actually stands for, and although I am much too polite to actually say it, that does not mean that I don't *think* it--at least sometimes! Yes, feel free to gasp and tell me that I'm a terrible person ;) LOL! Nerds have limitations of their levels of exhaustion too, and I feel I surpassed mine during midterms!
It's time to buckle-down though, and get to work, or else I'm really going to be disappointed in myself. Just because I have a major case of senioritis does not mean that I can be on brain vacation all day! Yes, pinterest is fun--but probably not very appropriate during class time ;) I've got to remember how hard I've had to work to get to this point. Yes, I should be proud, and I definitely think I've earned it, but I've got to keep on earning it! haha And, I think I would be disappointed some day if I looked back and only remembered zoning out for 90% of my senior year of college--although, I will admit that there are definitely times where every form of distraction is necessary in certain classes which will remain unnamed! LOL! You all can think of one I'm sure!
Anyway, I've included a picture of a desk that I used a long time back in Elementary school. This desk has been long-retired from actual school-use, but it has made a wonderful addition to our basement/play room. Not only does it remind me of how much I enjoyed school as a child, but it has reminded me to keep working hard, because so many have gone and done the same before me. :)
So keep on studying, and doing the best you can to pay attention. (Although reading my blog counts as being productive!! bahahha!) Just remember, there's only about 2 weeks left now! :D Let's get through it together! Comment below as to what your finals-week tips are! I'd love to hear them--the crazier the better! No better time for laughs than during the times of stress! :D
Monday, November 28, 2011
Deck the Halls!
It's the most wonderful time of the year again! Time to dust off the trees that have been stored in our basements, and bring out the bulbs and garlands to decorate their bare branches. Time to turn on the Christmas music and fall into a pool of nostalgia as we all remember and cherish those simple traditions from our childhoods. We feel that spark of joy--that sense of foreshadowing--there's something amazing that's coming! Whether if we are 1 or 92, I think we all really *can* feel the excitement. It's not just excitement for what lies under the tree either... It's that sense that we are all on the brink--we are constantly changing and bringing new things to the world, and of course, if one is Christian, he will be looking forward to the second coming as well--which is really exciting! But even if one is not Christian, this time of year is really exciting because it is so symbolic of preparation. Even though the world is covered in snow, and everything seems dormant and dead, he will know that there is that promise of life, or Spring--which in South Dakota is *at least* six months from now, hahha!
So, yes, there are some amazing things to come, and that is the joy of living--knowing that there is so much to be hopeful for. One thing that I was reminded of though (which I saw on my lovely new addiction called Pinterest hehe) was this: "we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us". I'm not sure who's brilliant words these are, but they are so wise and true. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily grind and to lose focus of the everyday joys. What I strive to do is to make every day memorable in some small way. Then I sit down at night and think of all of the things that I have to be thankful for, and how those small memorable things have impacted my day. It really helps me to feel a larger purpose, and it helps me to appreciate every single day :)
So to help make this year's Christmas a bit more memorable, I bought my very first Christmas Tree! :D It's not exactly traditional, but it definitely does embody my style. I really had fun buying all of the trimmings, and then hanging all of the decorations on it. It really is a show-stopper in my room, and I will use it for many years to come. It has already brought me a lot of joy, and I hope it can bring you some Christmas cheer too! :) I really had fun capturing some pictures of my room, and some of the other decorations that I've put up as well. I'm really *trying* to get better at taking my own pictures ;) So any feedback, or advice, would be appreciated! :)
So, yes, there are some amazing things to come, and that is the joy of living--knowing that there is so much to be hopeful for. One thing that I was reminded of though (which I saw on my lovely new addiction called Pinterest hehe) was this: "we must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us". I'm not sure who's brilliant words these are, but they are so wise and true. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily grind and to lose focus of the everyday joys. What I strive to do is to make every day memorable in some small way. Then I sit down at night and think of all of the things that I have to be thankful for, and how those small memorable things have impacted my day. It really helps me to feel a larger purpose, and it helps me to appreciate every single day :)
So to help make this year's Christmas a bit more memorable, I bought my very first Christmas Tree! :D It's not exactly traditional, but it definitely does embody my style. I really had fun buying all of the trimmings, and then hanging all of the decorations on it. It really is a show-stopper in my room, and I will use it for many years to come. It has already brought me a lot of joy, and I hope it can bring you some Christmas cheer too! :) I really had fun capturing some pictures of my room, and some of the other decorations that I've put up as well. I'm really *trying* to get better at taking my own pictures ;) So any feedback, or advice, would be appreciated! :)
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Times to Come
It's a whirlwind moment in my life right now. It's nearing the end of the Fall semester and approaching the new year, and last semester of my college career. It's a time full of anxiety, really, and I will admit that I'm much more scared than I may appear. I'm scared of what's to come, but yet I know that it's going to be something incredible!
I often think about the way my life has been in the last few years, and I think about how trite it must be compared to my future. I know this sounds mean, but I'm not trying to beat myself up, or 'talk down' at my current situation. I know that this part of my life is necessary for me to reach the future. Even though I may laugh at myself some day for caring so much about every assignment, or laugh at myself for how much I used to whine about my part time job, these things have undoubtedly changed me, and prepared me to be ready for my future. They've taught me to work hard and never give up, and to be friendly to others no matter what. They've taught me to smile at strangers and say hello to someone who looks like they're feeling down. And I've really learned to value these parts of my life--most of the time!
Believe me, I still have plenty of days where I wake up thinking 'why bother?'... And then, if I'm feeling particularly grouchy, I only focus on the surface of the situation, and think about how little things have changed. Total lie, of course, but when you're feeling tired and worn-out, you can pretty much convince yourself of anything. hah! So yes, I have my days of being a Debbie Downer, but I think everyone does ;)
What I've come to realize as of late though is that everything is relative. Time is so quickly moving. In 6 months, I will be living the future that I've been hoping for. Who knows what it will be like? It could be a nightmare, or it could be everything I've ever dreamed of! And personally, I'm trying my hardest to have is be the second option. I'm putting it out to the universe right now, I will be happy with my life in the future. I will have a job that will provide me with everything that I need in order to live a good life, and I will enjoy doing this job for the most part.
I know this isn't really the best part of my future though. The best part is going to be the life outside of my working world--my family. It's going to be so incredible to wake up someday next to my wonderful husband and have his face be the first thing I see in the morning. It will also be so wonderful to wake up some day to my children tugging at my sheets, and either crying at me or smiling. To be able to have a family of my own will be the greatest thing I could do with my life. It will be far more important than the job I have or the amount of money that I make. It will be more important than the number of purses in my closet, or the number on the scale, not that I won't stop caring about these things, haha! I still want to remain true to myself. Just because I'll someday get married and have children does not mean that I will completely change. I will still be me, and I know some people will argue with this and say that I'll become a completely different person, but to me, that just can't be true. Even though I am vastly a different person from what I was 10 years ago, I wouldn't say that I'm 'completely' different. I still have a passion for fashion, a passion to learn, and most importantly, a passion to love, and that is a passion that I *know* will never die.
So as you can see, the best days are yet to come, my friends. :) Live it up, and remember if you're looking for a purpose, place your hand over your heart. If you feel something beating there, then you do have a purpose. You're alive for a reason. Never give up! Keep on loving like crazy, and don't let those praying knees get lazy! :D
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
College Gal Confessions: I'm Thankful
It's that time of year again where everyone is starting to think about about the things they are thankful for, and I've got to say, I've got quite the list! Almost every day I am so blessed with so many wonderful opportunities to be around my family, my friends, my professors, and even my coworkers! That alone is so much to be thankful for, and I know this a little mushy-gushy, but I am truly so blessed to have such a great school to attend, and to have a job that provides me with the money I need to pay for school, clothes, and pretty much everything else except room and board--although that will also be coming out of my pocketbook in about 6 months or so!
I will be honest with you though, it's not always easy to be so thankful for my education and my job. This last weekend was definitely an example of that! Not only did I have massive amounts of homework, I also had to work for 13 hours over the course of the weekend! Of course the homework was all assigned on Friday and due Monday, too. I'm not trying to complain, but seriously, I thought I was going to keel over from either lack of sleep or from complete, utter overwhelmingess! (Haha, I know that's not a word, but it definitely describes how I felt!) Many of you may think that I never get overwhelmed or discouraged, but I can guarantee you that even I have days where I just want to crawl back into my bed and do nothing the whole day. I'm not a perfect person, and I know that. I'm human, and I make mistakes too. Sure, I offer some advice posts in my blog, but I'm never trying to claim that I know everything. I'm just opening up a discussion, and maybe trying to help some of you see the world a *little* bit differently. So, even if I can just bring a slightly new perspective, or spark a few ideas, I feel like I've accomplished something far greater than myself.
I am so thankful that so many of you have found enjoyment in these posts, and I appreciate all of your support! I never realized how uplifting it could feel to be a part of this blogger community. It's really nice to be able to put myself out here, unedited, and to have people actually, sometimes, *like* the pieces that I've written! So yeah, maybe I sometimes still need a little validation, but I'm not ashamed to admit it! LOL :) So, thank you again, for letting me be real. I really couldn't ask for much more than that.
I will be honest with you though, it's not always easy to be so thankful for my education and my job. This last weekend was definitely an example of that! Not only did I have massive amounts of homework, I also had to work for 13 hours over the course of the weekend! Of course the homework was all assigned on Friday and due Monday, too. I'm not trying to complain, but seriously, I thought I was going to keel over from either lack of sleep or from complete, utter overwhelmingess! (Haha, I know that's not a word, but it definitely describes how I felt!) Many of you may think that I never get overwhelmed or discouraged, but I can guarantee you that even I have days where I just want to crawl back into my bed and do nothing the whole day. I'm not a perfect person, and I know that. I'm human, and I make mistakes too. Sure, I offer some advice posts in my blog, but I'm never trying to claim that I know everything. I'm just opening up a discussion, and maybe trying to help some of you see the world a *little* bit differently. So, even if I can just bring a slightly new perspective, or spark a few ideas, I feel like I've accomplished something far greater than myself.
I am so thankful that so many of you have found enjoyment in these posts, and I appreciate all of your support! I never realized how uplifting it could feel to be a part of this blogger community. It's really nice to be able to put myself out here, unedited, and to have people actually, sometimes, *like* the pieces that I've written! So yeah, maybe I sometimes still need a little validation, but I'm not ashamed to admit it! LOL :) So, thank you again, for letting me be real. I really couldn't ask for much more than that.
Going the Distance---Schedule It!
Life is all about balance. As you've seen from some of my other posts in this "Going the Distance" series, I've been really trying to implicate some balance into my life. People always make comments to me wondering how I fit everything into my life, or how I manage to have time to write blog posts, or do other leisurely activities, and the answer is self-discipline and constant schedule reevaluation. In order to begin a new, healthy lifestyle, you are also probably going to have to reevaluate your current situation just a little bit. Time is often the component of health that scares some people away though, but I promise, as soon as you start thinking about some of the choices you are making currently, you will soon realize that several things can be eliminated!
Before you make any changes to your current schedule, just sit down and really think about the things that you've been doing with your time.... Is four hours of watching TV really *that* important? If the answer is yes, then by all means keep TV in your schedule, but maybe try to compromise a little and set aside a smaller amount of time to do it, or pick one day each week to sit down at watch TV for as long as you want. TV is just an example though, so just try to re-adjust your schedule according to your areas of ineffective time use!
After you weigh your current schedule, make a list of things that you would like to incorporate into your new schedule. Be realistic though! If you start out with too much, you will get discouraged! If you have troubles remembering your schedule or sticking to a schedule, then by all means use a calendar, an agenda, or make to-do lists. You can even use your phone to send you reminders! Whatever you need to do in order to remember and stick to your schedule, do it!!
If your new schedule is still giving you grief, then set up a reward system! Reward yourself by adding in one of your favorite leisurely activities after you've finished everything else, pamper yourself a little by taking a hot shower or bath, or just take some time to sit and be. By thinking of these activities as rewards, you will be 10 times more likely to complete your to-do list! It just takes a little change in perspective, but once you get past the first few weeks of your new schedule, you'll be an old pro! :D
If things are still not working for you, then reevaluate the schedule. Maybe you've added in too much, or you're not getting the important things done when they need to be done. Your schedule will need constant reevaluation, so try to stay in-tune with your body and your spirit, and edit the schedule according to what best suits your lifestyle! :)
Before you make any changes to your current schedule, just sit down and really think about the things that you've been doing with your time.... Is four hours of watching TV really *that* important? If the answer is yes, then by all means keep TV in your schedule, but maybe try to compromise a little and set aside a smaller amount of time to do it, or pick one day each week to sit down at watch TV for as long as you want. TV is just an example though, so just try to re-adjust your schedule according to your areas of ineffective time use!
After you weigh your current schedule, make a list of things that you would like to incorporate into your new schedule. Be realistic though! If you start out with too much, you will get discouraged! If you have troubles remembering your schedule or sticking to a schedule, then by all means use a calendar, an agenda, or make to-do lists. You can even use your phone to send you reminders! Whatever you need to do in order to remember and stick to your schedule, do it!!
If your new schedule is still giving you grief, then set up a reward system! Reward yourself by adding in one of your favorite leisurely activities after you've finished everything else, pamper yourself a little by taking a hot shower or bath, or just take some time to sit and be. By thinking of these activities as rewards, you will be 10 times more likely to complete your to-do list! It just takes a little change in perspective, but once you get past the first few weeks of your new schedule, you'll be an old pro! :D
If things are still not working for you, then reevaluate the schedule. Maybe you've added in too much, or you're not getting the important things done when they need to be done. Your schedule will need constant reevaluation, so try to stay in-tune with your body and your spirit, and edit the schedule according to what best suits your lifestyle! :)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Bright Wishes for the Future
Hello everyone! I hope that you've all been having a great week so far! I'm loving this transitional weather that we've been having so far! It's so beautiful outside, and every time I go outside, I can't help but smile because the change excites me! Winter is such a beautiful season in my opinion. Seriously, from the intricate patterns of frost clinging on your windows to the sparking flakes of white noise drifting from the heavens, there's such a simple beauty that's full of hope and promise. And, of course there's nothing as wonderful as stepping outside in a new pea coat, with a bunchy scarf enveloping your neck, and feeling the flakes of snow brushing against the skin on your face. Simple and yet so beautiful. (Yes, I know it hasn't snowed yet, but if you couldn't tell, I'm just a little excited!) Like I said though, it's just a time full of promise for me. Promise of what's to come.... And that's what I wanted to write about today--Bright wishes for the future.
We all have so many hopes and dreams for our futures. Some that are a bit far-fetched, and some that seem much more likely to happen. We make wishes for each day that we live, and make wishes for every day to come. What we often forget, or at least what *I* often forget, is to make cautious wishes. Sure, we can sarcastically wish that a class will be cancelled, or wish that our computer will crash so that we have an excuse to get out of an assignment, or wish that we could skip a day that has less-than-appealing activities planned. Once we put those things out there, and focus on them, they usually happen... That's the funny thing about life. Once we focus on something, our life begins to revolve around it to some degree. That's why I wrote a whole post dedicated to mental wellness and why it's so important to focus on the positive things in life. Let me give you an example of one wish that I have made for so many years of my life, and now, I'm kind of regretting it, but yet not!
I wished for my life to fast-forward...
Sounds a little familiar, right? I don't care how wonderful your high school experience, or college experience, was--you probably wished at some point in time that you could be a 'grown-up'--completely on your own, making your own decisions, and doing your own thing--individualism, to keep it short and sweet. This really is an interesting thing to wish for, because no matter where you are in life, there will always be someone influencing you. Which is something that you don't want to wish away, believe me! That's not what I was really intending for with this wish though. My intent for fast-forwarding was so that my career path would already be decided, and that I could 'comfortable'. But why would I wish for comfort? And who's to say that I'll be comfortable when I'm older? I could have a whole new set of problems to face! Sometimes, you've got to be uncomfortable, in the now moment, to make your life worthwhile.
As of now, my life has been on fast-forward a little bit. I'm almost half way through my last year at University, and I'm about to graduate with my degree of choice- English! :D As exciting as this is, I'm starting to get a little nervous. The deadline for me to make decisions is coming up. Oy. I'm usually spot-on with deadlines for assignments, and always working weeks ahead on projects and such--in other words, I'm being a typical English nerd! Ha! But it's a lifestyle I've really come to embrace--always putting the best of myself out there, and even if I don't get an "A" on every project or paper, I will know that I tried *my* hardest! :)
So, I suppose I should do the same thing with my career path! Just put my best foot forward, and try my hardest. I should follow the same path as those little snowflakes--embracing my individuality, shining with all my might, continuing to pray for hope, and knowing that I have a world of promise ahead <3
We all have so many hopes and dreams for our futures. Some that are a bit far-fetched, and some that seem much more likely to happen. We make wishes for each day that we live, and make wishes for every day to come. What we often forget, or at least what *I* often forget, is to make cautious wishes. Sure, we can sarcastically wish that a class will be cancelled, or wish that our computer will crash so that we have an excuse to get out of an assignment, or wish that we could skip a day that has less-than-appealing activities planned. Once we put those things out there, and focus on them, they usually happen... That's the funny thing about life. Once we focus on something, our life begins to revolve around it to some degree. That's why I wrote a whole post dedicated to mental wellness and why it's so important to focus on the positive things in life. Let me give you an example of one wish that I have made for so many years of my life, and now, I'm kind of regretting it, but yet not!
I wished for my life to fast-forward...
Sounds a little familiar, right? I don't care how wonderful your high school experience, or college experience, was--you probably wished at some point in time that you could be a 'grown-up'--completely on your own, making your own decisions, and doing your own thing--individualism, to keep it short and sweet. This really is an interesting thing to wish for, because no matter where you are in life, there will always be someone influencing you. Which is something that you don't want to wish away, believe me! That's not what I was really intending for with this wish though. My intent for fast-forwarding was so that my career path would already be decided, and that I could 'comfortable'. But why would I wish for comfort? And who's to say that I'll be comfortable when I'm older? I could have a whole new set of problems to face! Sometimes, you've got to be uncomfortable, in the now moment, to make your life worthwhile.
As of now, my life has been on fast-forward a little bit. I'm almost half way through my last year at University, and I'm about to graduate with my degree of choice- English! :D As exciting as this is, I'm starting to get a little nervous. The deadline for me to make decisions is coming up. Oy. I'm usually spot-on with deadlines for assignments, and always working weeks ahead on projects and such--in other words, I'm being a typical English nerd! Ha! But it's a lifestyle I've really come to embrace--always putting the best of myself out there, and even if I don't get an "A" on every project or paper, I will know that I tried *my* hardest! :)
So, I suppose I should do the same thing with my career path! Just put my best foot forward, and try my hardest. I should follow the same path as those little snowflakes--embracing my individuality, shining with all my might, continuing to pray for hope, and knowing that I have a world of promise ahead <3
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