Hello there?? I think that’s what we say when it’s been 7 years since your last post?
Wow. Here I am dusting the keys off of my keyboard facing this old blog ready to pen down new feelings. I used to make this a monthly practice… Let’s just say I fell off the bandwagon just a little bit!
You may be asking why now? Aren’t you too busy for this? Good question, and yes, most likely I am too busy? Maybe? Like a lot of people though I fill the downtime I have with trivial things like Netflix’s “Love is Blind”, countless scrolls on TikTok, and other mindless distractions. This all aside, yes, I am a full-time pharmacist and a mama of a very energetic two-year old, Charlotte. I’ve been married for almost 9 years now to the love of my life, my rock, Tyler. Let’s not forget I’m a fur mama too to our sweet Annie who is almost 14 now. We have a beautiful family that has been pieced together with such love and care. Don’t get me wrong though — we are not the picture of perfection, but rather a picture of dysfunction at its finest! Seriously, parenthood is no joke.
I think that has been what’s drawn me back to this blog… This blog has always served as a canvas for me to soul dump a little. I feel like I can share feelings freely on here and not bog down the mainstream socials with long winded posts that few care to see or interact with. I recognize I’m not everyone’s cup of tea - probably because I’m tequila! LOL! Seriously though, I know not everyone cares to read what I have to say. What I do want to say though is that there’s enough on social media depicting perfection and ultimately consumerism. I don’t want to get on a soap box or go down a rabbit hole, but I think we are missing a lot of truth, authenticity and vulnerability on the typical channels which we consume. Honestly, I’m just as guilty as the rest. It’s super easy to share the happy (or perhaps maybe more cynically the humble brag) posts. I want to do my part to contribute to in-depth conversations regarding things that truly make me think, or things that fill my cup, or things that piss me off, or the things that bring me joy.
I want to share a more in-depth authentic journey that depicts a true life of a working parent. It isn’t glamorous, and it sure as hell isn’t easy. Now that I’m older, there’s been a pandemic, I’ve experienced massive burnout, I’ve experienced family drama, really sad times, massively proud moments, and everything in between. I feel that all these experiences may make it easier to connect with others. I want to open my heart a little and get back to writing because it is one of the things that does bring me joy. I feel like I can breathe so freely after throwing words on the walls.
I want to ensure my content is something that a few would like to connect with though, because seriously, what fun is it to have this conversation with a completely empty room? So here’s where I want to hear from you: share what you’d like to read about! I may not be able to accommodate every topic, but I’m happy to give this a real go. Whether you’d like to hear more about my work, my family, my hobbies (which are mainly running and reading), or whatever. At the end of the day, I’m a rather extemporaneous person, so I will write what comes to my mind too, because it’s truly what feels the most authentic to me.