Friday, May 2, 2014


Right now I am suffering from a severe case of the jitters. Why? Well, it is the night before my FIRST EVER HALF MARATHON! #Whoa.

Why am I jittery? I am excited, nervous, scared, exhilarated, positive, and yet simply unsettled. 13.1 miles is unknown to me - I've never *really* ran it. I've imagined it a hundred times, and probably another hundred times just within the last few hours. This is it though. This is the day that I have been waiting for. This is my moment to prove to myself that I am ready. I can do this. I am prepared. But am I?

After starting 3 years ago on my health and fitness journey, I have come so far, it's hard to see how I can NOT be ready. I have fought so hard - mostly against myself - to tell myself that I am capable.

Believe me, I never in a hundred million years thought that I, Catheryn, would be a runner. No way, Jose! When I was in middle school, I DREADED the day in which we ran the mile to measure our physical aptitude. I HATED gym class with a passion, and I thought that sports were pointless and downright dumb. People teased me too for being out of shape. They told me that I ran like a T-Rex, and even made up a stupid song about me when I was in the 6th grade, and humiliated me in front of the whole gym class. People would throw dodge balls at my face - on purpose - and had no mercy on me. I was a little pudgy, and definitely nonathletic, but these actions and words still hurt. I never believed I could be as strong and as beautiful as the 'popular girls'. One boy even *had* to tell me that when I was in the eighth grade. Yeah... He literally said I'd never be as pretty as the popular girls in our class....

So did I let these things 'get' to me? Of course! When you're that young and immature, you don't just forgive and forget. You hold onto those things and you let them build up and start to define you. You forget the things that you're *really* made of and you start to believe what everyone else says you are or aren't.

Well, I can tell you now that I am NOT that girl any more. I don't let people mess with me because I am strong and I AM capable. I have learned to go past my fears and push to that point of unknown. Is it safe? Not always. But is it worth it? Absolutely.

 That is why I am running this half marathon. To remind myself once again that *I* am worth fighting for, and *I* am worth believing in. Does this mean I am looking for validation from others? No. It means that I want to see myself cross that finish line and hear *my* name on that loud speaker.

I did not lose almost 40 pounds, and keep it off for almost three years now, out of vanity. I lost those pounds  and have kept them off because I care about myself and my future. I am not afraid anymore to take those steps toward the unknown. I will take every one and enjoy every step in those 13.1 miles tomorrow. And when I achieve what I have never ever achieved before, that's when I know that I am capable of EVEN MORE.

Nothing is my limit now. Let the roads rise up to meet me, the wind always be at my back, the sun shine warm across my face, and may God hold me in the palm of His hand.